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For Movies: see

The Latest:



Stars Shine Together

Here it is! The latest Ride Clash production Directed by my self “Stars Shine Together”.



Each person is mutually dependent on each other, bringing positivity and balance in our lives.
Enjoy the ride.

For more info visit:

Ride Clash:
Alvaro Onieva:
Forest Bakker:
Light Bros:

Producer: Alvaro Onieva
Director and Editor: Forest Bakker (Light Bros Entertainments)
Director of Photography: Andi Jansen
Executive Producer: Felipe Moure
Sound Design: Forest Bakker
Riders: Alvaro Onieva, Forest Bakker & Marit Nore

Visit also:

Special Thanks to:
George Whaley
Joseph Carneiro
Alexander Shogren
Clark Graebner Jr.
Surya Sanaya
Joaozinho Batista
Juan Pablo Simonit
Rick Jensen
Tobias Holter
Fernando Simonit
Pia Soboreo
And all the other many people for helping and supporting us!

The Far East Tales

For about 4 month now Light Bros Entertainments has been releasing a series of Episodes called “The Far East Tales” covering the story of our trip in the Philippines back in beginning of 2012, Here are all of the episodes so far.

The Preface


Episode 1


Episode 2


Episode 3


Hope you enjoy them!

Great start of a new cycle.

First of all I wish you all the best for 2013, for me 2012 was a real roller coster, as you might know I spend 6 month with a very annoying knee injury (Obvious) spending my time as a DJ in summer, filming and not doing much, but I actually don’t regret it, with this I have learned so much and I got all of my stuff sorted out together, now I feel more alive then ever and the only thing I wanna do is get back to the competition and kick some ass! (we will see how this goes….) Image

ImageLets do a little recap of what i’ve been up to lately:

After my second knee surgery in september I started my rehab, when i talk about rehab I mean a lot of gym, sweat and suffering but it all got well payed of, just after a !!!MONTH!!! my doc said I am ready to get back on the water so thats just what I did, but being as enthusiastic as I am my first session had to take place in Brazil, so just after 4 days after my doc said I would be ready I was off to Brazil with my good friend Alvaro Onieva, and yes I had an incredible trip, got all of my ticks back in the bag plus this time with boots and with even more control and power than ever before…



After 1 and a half month in Brazil it was time to go back to reality but this time only for a week, my next trip planned was taking place in Myanmar to visit my father with my beloved sister, this was a great opportunity to chill after the “stressed” trip we had in Brazil (More coming on that in my next post) and seeing my dad that I haven’t seen for more than a year. I brought all of my kite stuff with the chance that maybe there would be a little bit of wind, unfortunately it never came but I found my self surrounded by the beautiful culture of  Myanmar, so I decided to film a little Doc about it, the images turned out incredible! so stay on alert because soon I will be releasing some very cool movies and videos. Oh, and did I mention that my latest video “Drop It” won the Tricks & Chicks contest? this was the chocolate piece on cake for me 😛


Now I find my self at Singapore airport with surprisingly fast free internet, you might find that normal if you don’t travel much but for someone that travels very often like me this is kind of difficult to find on other airport.

Well I think I’ve said enough, from now on I will update my page more often so if you liked my blog post feel free to subscribe!

Peace and Happy new year!!!!!

PD: Here is a little preview on my work in Myanmar:Image


I finally got some time and internet here in isolated Ihla do Guajiru, I have been in Brazil for a month training and getting my level back.
These past days we moved up north to concentrate on a new movie together with Andy Jensen, the images are looking amazing, I can’t wait for all of you to see them.
While here in Brazil I edited some videos, check them out!

“Drop It” is a video for a online contest on riders match! please give your vote!!! only 3 days left!!!


“First Kite Contact” This was my first session in Brazil, no action on the video but there is a little interview.

Hope you enjoy it!

Trickon Spanish Interview

I haven’t been posting much lately, but now I am finally doing much better with my knee and to celebrate I booked my ticket to Brasil! so lots of action will be going on jeje
Here there is a nice interview published on the biggest freestyle website in spain, its in spanish but you can always use google translator 😉

So here you go! Enjoy.


Philippines Episodes Trailer

A short trailer for the Philippino TV, introducing our upcoming project shot all around the Philippines.
This country made of 7 108 islands on low tide got us a lot of fun in the quest of the perfect spot…
Find ‘The Far East Tales’ series soon on our vimeo channel and website
If you like the videos help us for the next projects giving some likes on the vimeo channel &
Edited by: Forest Bakker
Shot by: Thomas Paris – Nicolas Paris – Forest Bakker – Gwenaelle Jacquette – Marvin St Requier
Song: Mord Fustang – ‘The Electric Dream’

The Far East Tales (Philippines TV trailer)

Germany and more.

Normally i hate to start my posts like this but now it has been almost 2 month since I haven’t posted anything and my blog deserves a welcoming start of the summer.
Lets get back to the important part of this, about 1 week ago I started kiting a bit, taking it easy but its always feels amazing to get salty again after 3 month of knee injury, after a couple of days on the water the PKRA contacted me to help them out in Germany with the live streaming, I booked my flights and of I went to check out how my comp buddy’s were doing, at first it was hard and strange not to feel the stress of the competition but after I just got really motivated to train for the next season. In Germany I got to see Aaron and it was cool to hang with him for a day, talking about how much injuries suck and that we could’t wait to get back there.
Now I am sitting at the airport in Zurich waiting for my flight for Malaga, this weekend I am helping to organize a fun invitational in Tarifa, if you are around from the 19th till the 22nd of July you should come and check some sick action!!

Knee Injury

As most of the people who practice any kind of extreme sport you always have the possibility of getting injured and its part of the game, you gotta pay to play. Two weeks ago I came back from France and Tarifa was spoiling us with perfect winds, I kited everyday together with some of the Top PKRA riders and feeling really confortable with my riding landing all my doubles again and doing some more powered tricks till one day in the lagoon while filming for a new movie I broke my meniscus and stretched some of the ligaments in my Knee, I first didn’t really know what was going on but then I realized something went wrong… Alvaro and Ewan, who were at the lagoon filming came to help me and we went straight to the hospital, ones we arrived the doctor said that i only had my ACL a bit stretched and that it was gonna be OK, i already had some bad experiences at the hospital of Tarifa so me and my mom decided to see a specialist that would do a Scan and really see what was going on. When we finally had the results it was a bit worse than what we thought, my meniscus was completely squashed and some of my ligaments were stretched, he directly said that I needed an Operation for it not to hurt anymore because a meniscus can’t really get repaired and they would have to remove some of it.
Now I am back from the surgery, 6 weeks no kiting 😦 that really sucks but I will be back stronger than ever!

Back to the Roots

After an amazing trip in the Philippines it was quite hard to get back on routine, but slowly i started getting back to the reel world and study for my upcoming exams next week. I’ve been in Tarifa now for almost 3 weeks and it has been pretty cool, i had a chance to see all my homies and hang a bit with them, also edit some videos (new video coming up very soon), bit of emails, study and all of that “boring” part of life, but it always has to be done. In terms of wind Tarifa hasn’t really been that good, I had a couple of good poniente sessions to get used to the “cold” wether and stick some of the tricks i learned in the Philippines.

Back in the Philippines we did lots of filming, theres gonna be 10 episodes coming out online after “The Revolution” film (check my previews post to know more about that) and a 26 min video edited by stance that will be sold to the TV in France. We have lots of projects going on, so much that i sometimes forget half of them!
I want to talk a bit from the last place we stayed in the Philippines, its called Cagayan Valley, its a huge land owned by the Senator who invited us there and he wanted us to discover a place that could have lots of potential in kiting, so we decided to check it out and it was incredible, we had so much support for anything we wanted to do, we were treated like kings haha 2 huge houses with private pool in each of them, 24 hours room service, driver, Casino, lots of great food, wonderful place and most importantly the kiting was just perfect, flat water with waves on the outside, wind for 9 meters almost everyday and i could keep on telling but i dont want to make you to jealous 😛 I will post some pics from the place and its definitely a place to check out in the future, now they are working on some kite facilities and new places to stay so stay tuned, anyway the place will be visible on our episodes. Click here to check the website

On the 18th of March i will be leaving to Dakhla to film and train for the PKRA, really looking forward to that.

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The Revolution Trailer

The COR crew just entered a competition and we need your help to vote! so please take a sec and vote for the revolution trailer video, the full version will be out soon and it will be for free!! it took us a lot of work and time to make the movie and we would be very happy if all of you can help. Here is the Riders Match video and you will find the vote bottom, I am not sure if you need an account to vote but if yes please it will take a minute, you can vote 1 time per day if you like 🙂 Thanks!

Back in 2011 we finished the season with almost 1TB of images featuring the Children Of The Revolution around the world. We decided to make an edit for the internet and it will be for FREE!!! more than 1 hour of lifestyle and action, the movie will be out soon so keep your eyes open for some sick action.

A Light Bros film.

Thomas Paris, Forest Bakker, Louis Hutter, Adrien Dennis, Charles Tiger, Thibaut Razeyre and many more.

Please like our page for more coming soon:

Light Bros Productions©

Children Of the Revolution in the Philippines

Just came back from the Philippines and there is so much to say about it, here is a little sneak peak & the rest you will see in the videos coming soon:

So after a trip in Fuerteventura my mate Thomas Paris told me i should book my ticket to the Philippines and thats what I did, after a stressful 4 days organizing my trip I finally arrived. I didn’t really know what to expect but as soon as I arrived in Boracay things started to change. Me and the Children of the Revolution participated at the funboard cup, it was really fun and i ended up 3rd in Freestyle.

After the comp, the COR crew and Normeth (she organized everything for us in the Philippines) had a talk and we decided to escape the party and people in Boracay and focus on the video production we had planned to do, so we went to Union Bay were we found a perfect flat water location, we decided to do a heli shot there and it turned out pretty good!
After 3 days hitting kickers, kiting all day long and enjoying the spot we traveled to Sabang because Thomas definitely wanted me to check the spot out and he told me we would surf and kite all day in a spot were no one has ever kited before, so 3 days after union bay we arrived in Sabang, it was a very local little village in the region of Vigan, we were staying in a huge house just meters of a perfect breaking wave, i was amazed by this wonderful place! We filmed, surf, kite for 11 days and then moved to Cagayan Valley, the Senator sponsored us the stay there (5 star hotel, private Casino, room service 24h a day, etc) they wanted us to check a spot that never no one kited and by our surprise it was perfect!
All the trip was captured on video, we got 500gb of stunning images so stay tuned cause this year you will see lots of the Philippines around the internet!
I really want to Thank all my sponsors, especially Másmovil, Kitaddict, Prolimit for making this trip possible, Normeth for organizing everything, Theresa and of cours all the Children Of the revolution for this awesome time, I’m glad to be part of this 😉
I did some screen grabs of some of the images that resume what i said in this post, check the slide show.

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Fast Backwards

This year time has been flying for me, I had some great times & met a lot of great people all around the world, this is dedicated to all of you, thanks.

A film by Forest Bakker.
Shot in Brazil this winter.
With the help of DS Promotions & Chasing the Dream project.
Filmed by:
Victor Hays
Stefano van Tuijl
Edited by:
Forest Bakker


Forest Bakker
Light Bros
Chasing The Dream

A Light Bros Production©